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Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Yahoo! Messenger YTunnelPro Features

/ On : 08.28/ Thank you for visiting my small blog here. If you wanted to discuss or have the question around this article, please contact me e-mail at herdiansyah yahya_ndutt@yahoo.com.

Y!TunnelPro for Yahoo! Messenger Features:

· Yahoo! Messenger Integration.
Y!TunnelPro integrates with Yahoo! Messenger allowing quick and easy access to commonly used features.

· Unequaled Yahoo! Messenger Chat Protection!
Places a barrier of protection between you and abusive users. This helps protect you against boots, invite bombs, and lags.

· Yahoo! Messenger Duplicate line and flood filtering.
Not everyone uses proper netiquette when participating in chatrooms. Repetitive messages, "screen clears", and flooding of chatrooms with random messages are filtered so you don't see them.

· Enhanced Yahoo! Messenger Privacy.
Y!TunnelPro includes privacy features that go beyond those included with Yahoo! Messenger. Enhanced privacy allows you to decide if you want to receive private messages and invites from people on your buddy list, people in chatrooms, and from people that you do not know.

· Yahoo! Messenger Font and Text Effects Filtering.
Effects such as fading and alternating text colors and large fonts can disrupt chatrooms and in some cases can make if very difficult to read the text of the sender. Y!TunnelPro can optionally filter the senders text to remove these settings.

· Yahoo! Messenger "Spam-bot" blocking.
Y!TunnelPro aggressively monitors the content of private messages sent by other users and will automatically block messages that appear to be generated by an automated "spam" bot.

· Enhanced Yahoo! Messenger chatroom and private message windows.
Y!TunnelPro can optionally enlarge the chatroom and private message text entry area and the list of users participating in the chatroom making it easier to enter text and see who is in the chatroom.

· Yahoo! Messenger Ad Remover.
Remove unwanted and possibly offensive ad banners from chatroom and webcam windows.

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